Open AI chatgpt image with black background

Posted on March 13, 2023 by Andrew (Sal) Salazar .

The One Question to Ask Chat GPT to Excel in Any Job

Have you ever found yourself struggling to complete a task at work or unsure of what questions to ask to gain the skills you need? We’ve all been there, trying to know what we don’t know. But what if there was a simple solution that could help you become better at any job, no matter what industry you’re in?

At Colaberry, we’ve discovered the power of asking the right questions at the right time. Our one-year boot camp takes individuals with no experience in the field and transforms them into top-performing data analysts and developers. And one of the keys to our success is teaching our students how to use Chat GPT and how to ask the right questions.

Everyones talking about Chat GPT but the key to mastery with it lies in knowing how to ask the right question to find the answer you need. What if there was one question you could ask Chat GPT to become better at any job? This a question that acts like a magic key and unlocks a world of possibilities and can help you gain the skills you need to excel in your career. 

Are you ready? The question is actually asking for more questions. 

“What are 10 questions I should ask ChatGPT to help gain the skills needed to complete this requirement?”

By passing in any set of requirements or instructions for any project, Chat GPT can provide you with a list of questions you didn’t know you needed to ask. 

In this example, we used “mowing a lawn”, something simple we all think we know how to do right? But, do we know how to do it like an expert?

Looking at the answers Chat GPT gave us helps us see factors we might not ever have thought of. Now instead of doing something “ok” using what we know and asking a pointed or direct question, we can unlock the knowledge of the entire world on the task!

And the best part? You can even ask Chat GPT for the answers.

Now, imagine you had a team of data analysts who were not only trained in how to think like this but how to be able to overcome any technical obstacle they met.

If you’re looking for talent that not only has a solid foundation in data analytics and how to integrate the newest technology but how to maximize both of those tools, then Colaberry is the perfect partner. We specialize in this kind of forward-thinking training. Not just how to do something, but how to use all available tools to do something, to learn how to do it, and more. Real-life application of “smarter, not harder”.

Our approach is built on learning a foundation of data knowledge that is fully integrated with the latest tech available, to speed up the learning process. We use Chat GPT and other AI tools to help our students become self-sufficient and teach them how to apply their skills to newer and more difficult problem sets. 

But, they don’t do it alone. Our tightly knit alumni network consists of over 3,000 data professionals throughout the US, and many of Colaberry’s graduates have gone on to become Data leaders in their organization, getting promoted to roles such as Directors, VPs, and Managers. When you hire with Colaberry, you’re not just hiring one person – you’re hiring a network of highly skilled data professionals.

So why not take the first step toward unlocking the full potential of your data? Let Colaberry supply you with the data talent you need to take your company to the next level. 

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you meet your unique business goals.

Want more tips like this? Sign up for our weekly newsletter HERE  and get our free training guide: 47 Tips to Master Chat GPT.

Image of glass building with close-up of finance sign

Posted on February 7, 2023 by Kevin Guisarde .

SQL Server Joins in the Finance Industry

SQL Server Joins are a fundamental aspect of SQL Server, providing developers with the ability to combine data from multiple tables into a single result set. With Joins, developers can access data from multiple tables and perform complex queries that extract specific information. In this blog, we will explore the different types of SQL Server Joins, including Inner Joins, Left Joins, Right Joins, and Outer Joins, and provide coding examples from the Finance Industry to illustrate these concepts. By understanding the different types of Joins and their applications, developers can enhance their SQL skills and build more powerful applications that extract data more efficiently. Whether you’re new to SQL or a seasoned developer, this blog will help you master SQL Server Joins and unlock their full potential.


  1. Introduction to SQL Server Joins
  2. Different Concept Types of SQL Server Joins
  3. Real-world Example Questions in the Finance Industry
  4. Most Commonly Asked Interview Question in SQL Server Joins
  5. Conclusion

Introduction to SQL Server Joins in the Finance Industry

SQL Server Joins are an essential part of SQL Server, and they allow you to combine data from multiple tables into a single result set. In this blog, we will be discussing the different concept types of SQL Server Joins and provide coding examples from the Finance Industry to illustrate the concepts.

Different Concept Types of SQL Server Joins


The INNER JOIN is used to combine data from two tables based on a matching value in both tables. In the Finance Industry, you might use an INNER JOIN to combine data from a customer table and a transaction table to get a list of customers and their transactions.

Coding Example:

FROM customer
INNER JOIN transaction
ON customer.customer_id = transaction.customer_id;


The LEFT JOIN is used to combine data from two tables based on a matching value in the left table and returns all records from the left table and the matching records from the right table. In the Finance Industry, you might use a LEFT JOIN to combine data from a customer table and a transaction table to get a list of customers and their transactions, with customers who have not made any transactions appearing in the result set with NULL values for the transaction data.

Coding Example:

FROM customer
LEFT JOIN transaction
ON customer.customer_id = transaction.customer_id;


The RIGHT JOIN is used to combine data from two tables based on a matching value in the right table and returns all records from the right table and the matching records from the left table. In the Finance Industry, you might use a RIGHT JOIN to combine data from a customer table and a transaction table to get a list of transactions and the corresponding customer data, with transactions that have not been made by any customers appearing in the result set with NULL values for the customer data.

Coding Example:

FROM customer
RIGHT JOIN transaction
ON customer.customer_id = transaction.customer_id;


The FULL OUTER JOIN is used to combine data from two tables based on a matching value in both tables and returns all records from both tables, with NULL values for non-matching records. In the Finance Industry, you might use a FULL OUTER JOIN to combine data from a customer table and a transaction table to get a list of all customers and transactions, with NULL values for customers who have not made any transactions and transactions that have not been made by any customers.

Coding Example:

FROM customer
FULL OUTER JOIN transaction
ON customer.customer_id = transaction.customer_id;

Real-World Example Questions in the Finance Industry

Script to generate tables and records (Continued):

Copy code
CREATE TABLE customer (
  customer_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
  customer_name VARCHAR(50),
  customer_address VARCHAR(100)

INSERT INTO customer (customer_id, customer_name, customer_address)
VALUES (1, 'John Doe', '123 Main St'),
       (2, 'Jane Doe', '456 Main St'),
       (3, 'Bob Smith', '789 Main St');

CREATE TABLE transaction (
  transaction_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
  customer_id INT,
  transaction_date DATE,
  transaction_amount DECIMAL(10,2)

INSERT INTO transaction (transaction_id, customer_id, transaction_date, transaction_amount)
VALUES (1, 1, '2022-01-01', 100.00),
       (2, 2, '2022-01-02', 200.00),
       (3, 1, '2022-01-03', 300.00),
       (4, 3, '2022-01-04', 400.00);

1. Write a query to get a list of all customers and their total transactions amount.

View Answer

2. Write a query to get a list of all customers and their latest transaction date.

View Answer

3. Write a query to get a list of customers who have not made any transactions.

View Answer

Most Commonly Asked Interview Question in SQL Server Joins

Q: Explain the difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN.

A: The main difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN is the way they combine data from two tables. INNER JOIN combines data from two tables based on a matching value in both tables and returns only the matching records. On the other hand, LEFT JOIN combines data from two tables based on a matching value in the left table and returns all records from the left table and the matching records from the right table.

I used INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN in a previous project where I was working on a financial data analysis. I used INNER JOIN to combine data from a customer table and a transaction table to get a list of customers and their transactions. However, I also wanted to get a list of customers who have not made any transactions, so I used LEFT JOIN for this purpose, which returned all records from the customer table and the matching records from the transaction table, with NULL values for customers who have not made any transactions.


SQL Server Joins are an essential part of SQL Server and are used to combine data from multiple tables into a single result set. In this blog, we explored the different types of SQL Server Joins such as INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, and FULL OUTER JOIN, with examples from the finance industry. We also covered advanced practice questions, a commonly asked interview question, and a script to generate tables and records.

SQL Server Joins play a critical role in data analysis and understanding the different types and their usage is crucial for anyone working with data. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this blog should help you build a strong foundation in SQL Server Joins.

Interested in a career in Data Analytics? Book a call with our admissions team or visit to learn more.

Image of factory worker with hard hat working

Posted on February 7, 2023 by Kevin Guisarde .

Exploring SQL Server Common Table Expressions (CTE’s) in the Manufacturing Industry

A Common Table Expression (CTE) is a temporary named result set in SQL that can be utilized within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. CTEs are derived from a SELECT statement and are defined within the execution scope of a single SQL statement. CTEs are powerful tools that can simplify complex join and subquery operations, improve code readability, and provide a temporary named result set for use within a larger query. With CTEs, developers can organize and manipulate data in a more efficient and streamlined manner, allowing for faster, more accurate data retrieval. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or new to SQL, understanding and utilizing CTEs can help you build more robust and efficient applications.


  1. Introduction to Common Table Expressions (CTE’s)
  2. Types of CTE’s with Coding Examples
  3. Real-world Advanced Practice Questions In The Manufacturing Industry
  4. Most Commonly Asked Interview Question and Answer
  5. Conclusion

Introduction to Common Table Expressions (CTE’s)

A Common Table Expression (CTE) is a temporary named result set that can be used within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement. It is derived from a SELECT statement and defined within the execution scope of a single SQL statement. CTE’s can simplify complex join and subquery operations, improve the readability of the code, and provide a temporary named result set for use within a larger query.

Types of CTE’s With Coding Examples

There are two types of CTE’s: Non-recursive CTE’s and Recursive CTE’s.

Non-recursive CTE’s

A Non-recursive CTE is used to retrieve data from a single query and return the result set as a temporary result set. The following is an example of a non-recursive CTE in the manufacturing industry:

WITH ProductionData AS (
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, ProductionDate, Quantity
FROM dbo.ManufacturingData
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, ProductionDate, SUM(Quantity) as TotalQuantity
FROM ProductionData
GROUP BY ProductID, ProductName, ProductionDate

The above example creates a temporary result set named ProductionData, which retrieves the data from the dbo.ManufacturingData table. The final query then calculates the total quantity of each product produced on a specific date.

Recursive CTE’s

A Recursive CTE is used to perform hierarchical or recursive queries, such as retrieving hierarchical data from a table. The following is an example of a recursive CTE in the manufacturing industry:

WITH ProductHierarchy AS (
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, ParentProductID, 0 as Level
FROM dbo.ManufacturingData
SELECT d.ProductID, d.ProductName, d.ParentProductID, Level + 1
FROM dbo.ManufacturingData d
INNER JOIN ProductHierarchy h
ON d.ParentProductID = h.ProductID
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, ParentProductID, Level
FROM ProductHierarchy
ORDER BY Level, ProductName

The above example creates a temporary result set named ProductHierarchy, which retrieves the hierarchical data from the dbo.ManufacturingData table. The final query then displays the hierarchy of products in the manufacturing industry.

Real-World Advanced Practice Questions in the Manufacturing Industry

Script to generate tables and records:

  ProductName VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

  UnitsSold INT NOT NULL

INSERT INTO Products (ProductName)
VALUES ('Product A'), ('Product B'), ('Product C'), ('Product D'), ('Product E');

INSERT INTO Sales (ProductID, Date, UnitsSold)
(1, '2022-01-05', 100),
(1, '2022-01-10', 50),
(2, '2022-01-01', 75),
(2, '2022-01-15', 25),
(3, '2022-01-20', 125),
(4, '2022-02-01', 50),
(5, '2022-01-25', 200);

1. How many units of each product were sold in January 2022?

Hint: This query should use a CTE to first calculate the total units sold for each product in January 2022. The CTE is then joined with the Products table to show the product name along with the total units sold. The results are ordered by the total units sold in descending order.

View Answer

2. What are the total units sold for each product in the last 12 months?

Hint: This query uses a CTE to first calculate the total units sold for each product in the last 12 months. The CTE is then joined with the Products table to show the product name along with the total units sold. The results are ordered by the total units sold in descending order.

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3. Which products had the most units sold in the last 12 months?

Hint: This query uses a CTE to first calculate the total units sold for each product in the last 12 months. The CTE is then joined with the Products table to show the product name along with the total units sold. The results are ordered by the total units sold in descending order, and the query only returns the top 1 result. This will give us the product with the most units sold in the last 12 months.

View Answer

Most Commonly Asked Interview Question

Q: What is a Common Table Expression (CTE) in SQL Server?

A: A Common Table Expression (CTE) is a temporary named result set that can be used within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or CREATE VIEW statement. It acts as a named subquery and allows for clean and readable code by breaking down complex logic into smaller, reusable pieces.

I have used CTEs in many of my projects as a way to simplify complex logic and make my code more readable. For example, in a manufacturing industry project, I used a CTE to calculate the total units sold for each product in a given month. The CTE allowed me to reuse the same logic in multiple queries without having to write the same complex code multiple times.


Common Table Expressions (CTEs) are a powerful tool in SQL Server that allows for more readable and efficient code. By breaking down complex logic into reusable pieces, CTEs can simplify and streamline the process of working with data in the manufacturing industry. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced SQL Server developer, understanding and using CTEs is a valuable skill to have in your toolkit.

Interested in a career in Data Analytics? Book a call with our admissions team or visit to learn more.

Image of cinema from outside view

Posted on February 7, 2023 by Kevin Guisarde .

SQL Server Stored Procedures are a valuable tool for managing and maintaining complex database logic. Stored Procedures are precompiled sets of T-SQL statements that can be executed by calling the stored procedure name. They provide a convenient way to encapsulate a series of T-SQL statements into a single executable unit, making it easier to manage and maintain complex database logic. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of using SQL Server Stored Procedures, including improved performance, security, and ease of maintenance. We will also explore the different types of Stored Procedures and provide examples of how they can be used in various industries. Whether you’re new to SQL Server or an experienced developer, understanding Stored Procedures can help you build more efficient and effective applications, and simplify the management of complex database logic.


  1. Introduction to SQL Server Stored Procedures
  2. Different Stored Procedure Types using Examples from the Media Industry
  3. Real-World Example Questions in the Media Industry
  4. A Most Commonly Asked Interview Question in SQL Server Stored Procedures
  5. Conclusion

Introduction to SQL Server Stored Procedures

SQL Server Stored Procedures are precompiled sets of T-SQL statements that can be executed by calling the stored procedure name. They provide a convenient way to encapsulate a series of T-SQL statements into a single executable unit that can be executed repeatedly, making it easier to manage and maintain complex database logic.

Different Stored Procedure Types using Examples From The Media Industry

Simple Stored Procedures

A simple stored procedure is a basic stored procedure that only contains a single SELECT statement. This type of stored procedure is commonly used to retrieve data from a database.

Consider a media database that contains information about movies and their respective ratings. A simple stored procedure can be created to retrieve the titles of movies with a rating of 8 or higher:

  SELECT Title 
  FROM Movies 
  WHERE Rating >= 8 

Parameterized Stored Procedures

A parameterized stored procedure is a stored procedure that accepts parameters. These parameters can be used to filter data or customize the behavior of the stored procedure.

Consider a media database that contains information about movies and their respective ratings. A parameterized stored procedure can be created to retrieve the titles of movies with a specified rating:

CREATE PROCEDURE GetMoviesByRating (@minRating INT) 
  SELECT Title 
  FROM Movies 
  WHERE Rating >= @minRating 

Stored Procedures with Output Parameters

A stored procedure with output parameters is a stored procedure that returns output in the form of parameters. These parameters can be used to return a value from the stored procedure to the calling code.

Example in Media Industry:
Consider a media database that contains information about movies and their respective ratings. A stored procedure with output parameters can be created to retrieve the total number of movies with a specified rating:

CREATE PROCEDURE GetMovieCountByRating (@minRating INT, @movieCount INT OUTPUT) 
  SELECT @movieCount = COUNT(*) 
  FROM Movies 
  WHERE Rating >= @minRating 

Real-World Example Questions in the Media Industry


  Title VARCHAR(100), 
  ReleaseYear INT, 
  Rating DECIMAL(3,1), 
  BoxOffice INT 

INSERT INTO Movies (Title, ReleaseYear, Rating, BoxOffice) 
  ('The Avengers', 2012, 8.0, 1518594910), 
  ('The Dark Knight', 2008, 9.0, 534858444), 
  ('Inception', 2010, 8.8, 825532764), 
  ('Avatar', 2009, 7.8, 278900000), 
  ('The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', 2003, 9.0, 378800000), 
  ('The Matrix', 1999, 8.7, 171300000), 
  ('The Shawshank Redemption', 1994, 9.2, 283400000); 

1.  Write a query to retrieve the titles and release year of all movies that were released in the years 2000 or later, sorted by release year in ascending order.

View Answer

2. Write a query to retrieve the title and box office earnings of all movies that have a box office earning of more than $1 billion, sorted by box office earnings in descending order.

View Answer

3. Write a query to retrieve the average rating and the standard deviation of the ratings of all movies.

View Answer

A Most Commonly Asked Interview Question in SQL Server Stored Procedures

Q: What is the difference between a stored procedure and a user-defined function in SQL Server?

A: A stored procedure and a user-defined function are two different types of database objects in SQL Server. The main difference between them is their usage and return type.

A stored procedure is used to perform a specific task, such as retrieving data from a database, inserting data into a database, or updating data in a database. Stored procedures can return multiple result sets and output parameters, but they cannot return a single value.

On the other hand, a user-defined function is used to return a single value or a table. User-defined functions can only return a single value or a table, and they cannot return multiple result sets or output parameters.

In my previous project, I used both stored procedures and user-defined functions to build a database-driven application. I used stored procedures to perform tasks such as retrieving data from a database and inserting data into a database, and I used user-defined functions to return calculated values that were used in various parts of the application.


In conclusion, SQL Server Stored Procedures are a powerful tool for managing complex database logic. They provide a convenient way to encapsulate a series of T-SQL statements into a single executable unit, making it easier to manage and maintain complex database logic. With the different concept types and real-world example questions in the Media Industry, it’s clear that SQL Server Stored Procedures play a crucial role in the field of data analytics.

Interested in a career in Data Analytics? Book a call with our admissions team or visit to learn more.

Image of doctors in active operation

Posted on February 7, 2023 by Kevin Guisarde .

A Comprehensive Guide to SQL Case Statement in Healthcare Industry

The SQL Case Statement is an essential feature of SQL that enables developers and data analysts to build conditional logic into their queries. By evaluating a set of conditions, the Case Statement returns a result that is based on the outcome of the evaluation. This functionality can be used to create complex, multi-level decision trees within a SQL query. With the Case Statement, data analysts can effectively analyze and extract specific data sets from vast data sources, making it an indispensable tool in the data analysis process. Overall, the SQL Case Statement is a powerful feature of SQL that provides developers and data analysts with greater flexibility and precision in their data analysis and decision-making capabilities.


  1. Introduction to SQL Case Statement
  2. Types of SQL Case Statement with examples from the Healthcare Industry
  3. Real-World Example Questions in the Healthcare Industry
  4. Most Commonly Asked Interview Question and Answer
  5. Conclusion

Introduction to SQL Case Statement

SQL Case Statement is a conditional statement in SQL that returns a result based on the evaluation of a set of conditions. The Case Statement is used to implement conditional logic in SQL queries, making it a powerful tool for data analysis and decision-making.

Types of SQL Case Statement with Examples From The Healthcare Industry

Simple Case Statement

A Simple Case Statement is used to evaluate a single expression and return a corresponding result. For example, in the Healthcare Industry, you can use a Simple Case Statement to categorize patients based on their age.

    WHEN Age < 18 THEN 'Child' 
    WHEN Age BETWEEN 18 AND 64 THEN 'Adult' 
    ELSE 'Senior' 
  END AS PatientCategory 
FROM Patients; 

Searched Case Statement

A Searched Case Statement evaluates multiple conditions and returns a result based on the first matching condition. For example, in the Healthcare Industry, you can use a Searched Case Statement to calculate the co-pay amount for a patient based on their insurance plan.

    WHEN InsurancePlan = 'Plan A' THEN 50 
    WHEN InsurancePlan = 'Plan B' THEN 40 
    ELSE 30 
  END AS CoPayAmount 
  FROM Patients; 

Nested Case Statement

A Nested Case Statement is used to evaluate multiple conditions within another Case Statement. For example, in the Healthcare Industry, you can use a Nested Case Statement to categorize patients based on their age and insurance plan.

    WHEN Age < 18 THEN 'Child' 
        WHEN InsurancePlan = 'Plan A' THEN 'Adult with Plan A' 
        WHEN InsurancePlan = 'Plan B' THEN 'Adult with Plan B' 
      ELSE 'Senior' 
  END AS PatientCategory 
FROM Patients; 

Real-World Example Questions in the Healthcare Industry

Script to generate tables and records needed for the real-world example questions:

  PatientName VARCHAR(100), 
  Age INT, 
  InsurancePlan VARCHAR(100) 
INSERT INTO Patients (PatientID, PatientName, Age, InsurancePlan) 
VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 35, 'Plan A'), (2, 'Jane Doe', 40, 'Plan B'), (3, 'John Smith', 50, 'Plan C'), (4, 'Jane Smith', 65, 'Plan A'), (5, 'Jim Brown', 25, 'Plan B'); 

1. What is the average age of patients with Plan A and Plan B insurance?

View Answer

2. What is the total number of patients for each insurance plan?

View Answer

3. List the patients and their age categories (Child, Adult with Plan A, Adult with Plan B, Senior) based on their age and insurance plan.

View Answer

Most Commonly Asked Interview Question and Answer

Q: How do you use the SQL Case Statement in a real-world scenario?

A: I have used the SQL Case Statement in several real-world projects, including in the Healthcare Industry. One specific example is when I was working on a project to categorize patients based on their age and insurance plan. To accomplish this, I used a Nested Case Statement that evaluated the patient’s age and insurance plan and returned the appropriate patient category. The final result was a table that displayed the patient’s information, including their age category, which was used for further analysis and decision-making. The use of the Case Statement made the process of categorizing patients much simpler and more efficient.


The SQL Case Statement is a versatile and powerful tool for data analysis and decision-making in SQL. With the different types of Case Statements, including Simple, Searched, and Nested, you can implement complex conditional logic and return results based on multiple evaluations. By using examples from the Healthcare Industry, you can see the practical applications of the Case Statement and how it can be used to improve your data analysis and decision-making processes.

Interested in a career in Data Analytics? Book a call with our admissions team or visit to learn more.

two people shaking hands

Posted on March 17, 2020 by Yash .

5 Ways To Ace Your Business Intelligence Interview – Part 5

Acing your next Business Intelligence (BI) interview isn’t easy but with the tips we’ve shared in the previous four mini-blogs in this series, you should be well on your way. Our last mini-blog covers the most important preparation you can make: completing Colaberry’s online data analytics courses.

1) The First 5 Minutes Matter Most!

2) Come Prepared – Know Exactly What the Role Demands

3) Dress for Success

4) Master Core Human Skills

5) Complete Colaberry’s Online Data Analytics Course

Complete Colaberry’s Online Data Analytics Course

Colaberry’s online data analytics and data science courses allow you to focus on your future career while still being able to spend time with your family and loved ones. Expert instructors help you to get through real-world situations and make sure you are ready for your business intelligence career. 

4 Benefits of Completing Colaberry’s Online Data Analytics Program

1) You can spend time with your family while pursuing your dreams.

2) You’ll receive cutting-edge interview preparation with our mock interview system.

3) You’ll gain access to a supportive student and alumni network that will always be there to assist you in preparing for your next Business Intelligence interview.

4) You can transition to a new career fast – and protect yourself from future obstacles like AI and automation.

Colaberry is completely focused on helping you achieve your dreams. Listen to Adie Mack, one of our successful graduates, who transitioned from teaching to an amazing career as a Business Intelligence Analyst:

Complete Colaberry’s Online Data Analytics Course

Our Program 

Colaberry has been providing one-of-a-kind, career-oriented training in data analytics and data science since 2012. We offer instructor-led onsite and online classes. Learn with us in person on our campus in Plano, Texas, or remotely from the comfort of your home. We have helped over 5,000 people to transform their lives with our immersive boot camp-style programs.

In-Demand Skills

Colaberry training programs equip you with in-demand tech and human skills.  Our up-to-date lessons and carefully crafted curriculum set you up for success from day one. Throughout the training and the job search, our mentors will support and guide you as you transition into a fast-paced and exciting field of data analytics and data science. 

Project-Based Learning

Our programs integrate projects that are based on real-world scenarios to help you master a new concept, tool, or skill. We work with you to build your portfolio to showcase your skills and achievements. 

Award Winning Learning Platform

You will be learning using our homegrown technology platform Refactored AI which is recognized as the “Most Promising Work of the Future Solution” in global competition by MIT SOLVE. Our platform also received General Motors’ “Advanced Technology” prize and McGovern Foundation’s “Artificial Intelligence for Betterment of Humanity” prize. 

Placement Assistance

Colaberry’s program, platform, and ecosystem empower you with skills that you need to succeed in your job interviews and transition into a high-paying career. Over 1/3rd of Colaberry graduates receive job offers after their first in-person interview. We provide you continuous mentoring and guidance until you land your job, and provide you post-placement support for twelve months so that you not only survive but thrive in your career. 

Financial Aid

At Colaberry, we strive to create opportunities for all. We work with each individual to ensure the cost of the training does not hold them back from becoming future-ready. We offer various payment plans, payment options, and scholarships to work with the financial circumstances of our learners. 

Military Scholarship

Colaberry is committed to supporting men and women who have served our country in uniform. As part of this commitment, we offer Military Scholarships to enable active-duty and retired military members to transition into civilian life. We have already helped numerous veterans by creating a pathway to rewarding and exciting careers in data science and data analytics. We hold alumni events and provide an extensive support system and a strong community of veterans to help our students succeed. Contact our enrollment team to find out more about how we can help you. 


Image of people at office desk in discussion

Posted on March 3, 2020 by Yash .

5 Ways To Ace Your Business Intelligence Interview – Part 4

Human skills are some of the most important (and often forgotten) tools to help you succeed in your business intelligence interviews. In this mini-blog, we’re sharing 4 core human skills you can master to improve the odds of you landing your next data science role. 

In the age of automation, business information and intelligence, if utilized strategically, has the power to propel a business far above its competitors as well as exponentially boost brand awareness and profitability. This makes business intelligence roles extremely valuable to corporations. 

The BI and analytics industry is expected to soar to a value of $26.50 billion by the end of 2021. Moreover, companies that use BI analytics are five times more likely to make swifter, more informed decisions. In this second post of our  5 part mini blog series, we will show you how preparation will help you ace your next business intelligence interview. 

According to Forbes, “dashboards, reporting, end-user self-service, advanced visualization, and data warehousing are the top five most important technologies and initiatives strategic to BI in 2018.” How do your skills line up with these initiatives? Are you ready to succeed in your next business intelligence interview?

5 Simple Ways To Ace Your Next Business Intelligence Interview

1) The First 5 Minutes Matter Most!

2) Come Prepared – Know Exactly What the Role Demands

3) Dress for Success

4) Master Core Human Skills

Career automation and AI are streamlining job roles and cutting out unnecessary positions so job hunters looking to ace their business intelligence interview need to adapt to the Future of Work and presentation skills that are both practical and necessary. The Future of Work isn’t just about knowing tech or being able to code; the most necessary skills are those that are often overlooked by applicants when it comes to interviewing time. These four skills are critically important and will help you stand out and ace your next business intelligence interview:

  • Grit 
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Critical/Creative Thinking 
  • Problem-Solving 

Human skills show that you can “go the long haul” and not give up when situations get challenging. These important skills also show that you are flexible and can think outside of the box. Moreover, presenting these skills by describing how you work on projects and displaying your problem-solving skills is extremely important. Colaberry’s programs help you develop all of the aforementioned skills.

Stay tuned for the next mini-blog in this series. We will be releasing a short blog twice a week to help you ace your next business intelligence interview! 

Our Program 

Colaberry has been providing one-of-a-kind, career-oriented training in data analytics and data science since 2012. We offer instructor-led onsite and online classes. Learn with us in person on our campus in Plano, Texas, or remotely from the comfort of your home. We have helped over 5,000 people to transform their lives with our immersive boot camp-style programs.

In-Demand Skills

Colaberry training programs equip you with in-demand tech and human skills.  Our up-to-date lessons and carefully crafted curriculum set you up for success from day one. Throughout the training and the job search, our mentors will support and guide you as you transition into a fast-paced and exciting field of data analytics and data science. 

Project-Based Learning

Our programs integrate projects that are based on real-world scenarios to help you master a new concept, tool, or skill. We work with you to build your portfolio to showcase your skills and achievements. 

Award Winning Learning Platform

You will be learning using our homegrown technology platform Refactored AI which is recognized as the “Most Promising Work of the Future Solution” in global competition by MIT SOLVE. Our platform also received General Motors’ “Advanced Technology” prize and McGovern Foundation’s “Artificial Intelligence for Betterment of Humanity” prize. 

 Placement Assistance

Colaberry’s program, platform, and ecosystem empower you with skills that you need to succeed in your job interviews and transition into high-paying careers. Over 1/3rd of Colaberry graduates receive job offers after their first in-person interview. We provide you continuous mentoring and guidance until you land your job, and provide you post-placement support for twelve months so that you not only survive but thrive in your career. 

Financial Aid

At Colaberry, we strive to create opportunities for all. We work with each individual to ensure the cost of the training does not hold them back from becoming future-ready. We offer various payment plans, payment options, and scholarships to work with the financial circumstances of our learners. 

Military Scholarship

Colaberry is committed to supporting men and women who have served our country in uniform. As part of this commitment, we offer Military Scholarships to enable active-duty and retired military members to transition into civilian life. We have already helped numerous veterans by creating a pathway to rewarding and exciting careers in data science and data analytics. We hold alumni events and provide an extensive support system and a strong community of veterans to help our students succeed. Contact our enrollment team to find out more about how we can help you. 

Apply Now to Start Your New Career!

Image of two business people shaking hands seated in office

Posted on February 27, 2020 by Yash .

5 Ways To Ace Your Business Intelligence Interview – Part 3

Dressing for success is extremely important and necessary to ace your next business intelligence interview. These quick tips will help you ensure you are completely ready to focus on what’s important in your next interview and avoid simple grooming mistakes. 

In the age of automation, business information and intelligence, if utilized strategically, have the power to propel a business far above its competitors as well as exponentially boost brand awareness and profitability. This makes business intelligence roles extremely valuable to corporations. 

The BI and analytics industry is expected to soar to a value of $26.50 billion by the end of 2021. Moreover, companies that use BI analytics are five times more likely to make swifter, more informed decisions. In this third post of our  5 part mini blog series, we will show you how preparation will help you ace your next business intelligence interview

According to Forbes, “dashboards, reporting, end-user self-service, advanced visualization, and data warehousing are the top five most important technologies and initiatives strategic to BI in 2018.” How do your skills line up with these initiatives? Are you ready to succeed in your next business intelligence interview?

5 Simple Ways To Ace Your Next Business Intelligence Interview

1) The First 5 Minutes Matter Most!

2) Come Prepared – Know Exactly What the Role Demands

3) Dress for Success

Dressing for success is key in ensuring you ace your next Business Intelligence (BI) interview. According to Monster’s Recruiter Roundtable, “the night before the interview, lay out your wardrobe to make sure everything fits, is free of wrinkles, and is current with today’s styles. Also, take the time to polish your shoes.” This shows you’re professional and you put thought into your appearance. Personal Hygiene Matters

Whether your interview is 30 minutes or two hours, you’ll need to ensure that you are not just looking at the part but that your hygiene is your top priority. Bob Hancock, an independent staffing consultant shares, “I wish more candidates would take a strong breath mint before their interviews. It may sound silly, but you would be surprised how distracting bad breath can be during an interview! Gum also works, but remember to discard your gum BEFORE the interview.”

5 Quick Tips for Dressing For Success

  1. Dress in a manner that is professionally appropriate to the position for which you are applying.
  2. You should avoid any heavy makeup and remove any jewelry that isn’t appropriate 
  3. Ensure that your choice of shoes reflects the level of seriousness you have for the position
  4. Avoid loud colors and flashy ties.
  5. Clothing should be neat, clean, and pressed.

Being stylish and dressed for success isn’t the only way to ace your next business intelligence interview. You also need to leverage human skills.  

Stay tuned for the next mini-blog in this series. We will be releasing a short blog twice a week to help you ace your next business intelligence interview! 

Our Program 

Colaberry has been providing one-of-a-kind, career-oriented training in data analytics and data science since 2012. We offer instructor-led onsite and online classes. Learn with us in person on our campus in Plano, Texas, or remotely from the comfort of your home. We have helped over 5,000 people to transform their lives with our immersive boot camp-style programs.

In-Demand Skills

Colaberry training programs equip you with in-demand tech and human skills.  Our up-to-date lessons and carefully crafted curriculum set you up for success from day one. Throughout the training and the job search, our mentors will support and guide you as you transition into a fast-paced and exciting field of data analytics and data science. 

Project-Based Learning

Our programs integrate projects that are based on real-world scenarios to help you master a new concept, tool, or skill. We work with you to build your portfolio to showcase your skills and achievements. 

Award Winning Learning Platform

You will be learning using our homegrown technology platform Refactored AI which is recognized as the “Most Promising Work of the Future Solution” in global competition by MIT SOLVE. Our platform also received General Motors’ “Advanced Technology” prize and McGovern Foundation’s “Artificial Intelligence for Betterment of Humanity” prize. 

 Placement Assistance

Colaberry’s program, platform, and ecosystem empower you with skills that you need to succeed in your job interviews and transition into high-paying careers. Over 1/3rd of Colaberry graduates receive job offers after their first in-person interview. We provide you continuous mentoring and guidance until you land your job, and provide you post-placement support for twelve months so that you not only survive but thrive in your career. 

Financial Aid

At Colaberry, we strive to create opportunities for all. We work with each individual to ensure the cost of the training does not hold them back from becoming future-ready. We offer various payment plans, payment options, and scholarships to work with the financial circumstances of our learners. 

Military Scholarship

Colaberry is committed to supporting men and women who have served our country in uniform. As part of this commitment, we offer Military Scholarships to enable active-duty and retired military members to transition into civilian life. We have already helped numerous veterans by creating a pathway to rewarding and exciting careers in data science and data analytics. We hold alumni events and provide an extensive support system and a strong community of veterans to help our students succeed. Contact our enrollment team to find out more about how we can help you. 

two people shaking hands

Posted on February 18, 2020 by Yash .

Get ahead of the competition in your Business Intelligence job interview with these 5 easy-to-implement tips from Colaberry.

The BI and analytics industry is expected to soar to a value of $26.50 billion by the end of 2021. Moreover, companies that use BI analytics are five times more likely to make swifter, more informed decisions. In this second post of our  5 part mini blog series, we will show you how preparation will help you ace your next business intelligence interview. 

Are you truly prepared to ace your next business intelligence interview? In the age of automation, business information and intelligence, if utilized strategically, have the power to propel a business far above its competitors as well as exponentially boost brand awareness and profitability. This makes business intelligence roles extremely valuable to corporations. 

According to Forbes, “dashboards, reporting, end-user self-service, advanced visualization, and data warehousing are the top five most important technologies and initiatives strategic to BI in 2018.” How do your skills line up with these initiatives? Are you ready to succeed in your next business intelligence interview?

5 Simple Ways To Ace Your Next Business Intelligence Interview

1) The First 5 Minutes Matter Most!

2) Come Prepared – Know Exactly What the Role Demands

Being prepared is crucial to helping you ace your next business intelligence interview. You must know what your role demands and how your skills match the expectations laid out in the job description. 

Tips To Ensure You’re Prepared For Your BI Interview

  • Understand the Job Requirements
  • Take the time to upskill
  • Present Your Best Projects

Being prepared helps you not only look the part but to exude confidence and improve your chances of getting the job. One of the major aspects of preparation that Forbes promotes is ensuring that you are ready with your own set of questions. 

According to Forbes Contributor Dawn Graham, “This can be a ‘make or break part of the interview, and I have seen things turn around both ways (in favor of or against a candidate) depending on how they respond to this inquiry: ‘Do you have any questions for us?’”

Graham advises that “No” is never an acceptable answer and shares that you should always have more questions than you’ll need. This shows that you’ve thought the process through and that you are curious about the role and organization you’d like to work for. Don’t rely on your memory for your questions, come prepared with them written down. This further shows your prep work and ensures that your nerves won’t get the best of you. Preparation isn’t just about researching the organization; it also includes being well-dressed and professionally presenting yourself. 

Stay tuned for the next mini-blog in this series. We will be releasing a short blog twice a week to help you ace your next business intelligence interview!

Our Program 

Colaberry has been providing one-of-a-kind, career-oriented training in data analytics and data science since 2012. We offer instructor-led onsite and online classes. Learn with us in person on our campus in Plano, Texas, or remotely from the comfort of your home. We have helped over 5,000 people to transform their lives with our immersive boot camp-style programs.

In-Demand Skills

Colaberry training programs equip you with in-demand tech and human skills.  Our up-to-date lessons and carefully crafted curriculum set you up for success from day one. Throughout the training and the job search, our mentors will support and guide you as you transition into a fast-paced and exciting field of data analytics and data science. 

Project-Based Learning

Our programs integrate projects that are based on real-world scenarios to help you master a new concept, tool, or skill. We work with you to build your portfolio to showcase your skills and achievements. 

Award Winning Learning Platform

You will be learning using our homegrown technology platform Refactored AI which is recognized as the “Most Promising Work of the Future Solution” in global competition by MIT SOLVE. Our platform also received General Motors’ “Advanced Technology” prize and McGovern Foundation’s “Artificial Intelligence for Betterment of Humanity” prize. 

Placement Assistance

Colaberry’s program, platform, and ecosystem empower you with skills that you need to succeed in your job interviews and transition into high-paying careers. Over 1/3rd of Colaberry graduates receive job offers after their first in-person interview. We provide you continuous mentoring and guidance until you land your job, and provide you post-placement support for twelve months so that you not only survive but thrive in your career. 

Financial Aid

At Colaberry, we strive to create opportunities for all. We work with each individual to ensure the cost of the training does not hold them back from becoming future-ready. We offer various payment plans, payment options, and scholarships to work with the financial circumstances of our learners. 

Military Scholarship

Colaberry is committed to supporting men and women who have served our country in uniform. As part of this commitment, we offer Military Scholarships to enable active-duty and retired military members to transition into civilian life. We have already helped numerous veterans by creating a pathway to rewarding and exciting careers in data science and data analytics. We hold alumni events and provide an extensive support system and a strong community of veterans to help our students succeed. Contact our enrollment team to find out more about how we can help you. 

Image of two business people shaking hands seated in office

Posted on February 13, 2020 by Yash .

5 Simple Ways To Ace Your Next Business Intelligence Interview – Part 1

Are you truly prepared to ace your next business intelligence interview? In the age of automation, business information and intelligence, if utilized strategically, have the power to propel a business far above its competitors as well as exponentially boost brand awareness and profitability. This makes business intelligence roles extremely valuable to corporations. 

The BI and analytics industry is expected to soar to a value of $26.50 billion by the end of 2021. Moreover, companies that use BI analytics are five times more likely to make swifter, more informed decisions.  In this 5 part mini-blog series, we will show you 5 simple ways you can ace your next business intelligence interview!

According to Forbes, “dashboards, reporting, end-user self-service, advanced visualization, and data warehousing are the top five most important technologies and initiatives strategic to BI in 2018.” How do your skills line up with these initiatives? Are you ready to succeed in your next business intelligence interview?


It’s important to remember that acing your next business intelligence interview isn’t just about being technically competent or having the best work samples to show off; it’s also about how you portray yourself in the first 5 minutes. Your interviewer is looking to see how you’ll fit into the organization and how well your experience and skill set can help you solve problems.  

So, during your next business analyst interview remember the following tips:

  • Entry to the room – Ask for permission to enter the room and walk up to the interviewer confidently.
  • Handshake – Ensure you have a firm handshake.
  • Eye contact – Look right into the eyes of the interviewer while speaking as well as listening.
  • Body language – Rest your hands on your thighs, maintain an upright posture, and make sure you are not fidgeting.
  • Introductory pitch – While introducing yourself, don’t go on to ramble about your complete work history (the interviewer can read that off your resume), instead, concentrate on highlighting your broad and diverse skill set, accolades, along the quality of your work experience.

More Quick Tips to Help You Ace the First 5 Minutes of Your BI Interview  

  • Assume that your resume has already been read.
  • Be confident but not cocky.
  • Be focused and clear.
  • Keep your answers on point and don’t tell overly long stories. 

Being prepared in the first 5 minutes is extremely important, but more than this, it’s also knowing what NOT to do. Forbes put together a list of seven job interview mistakes you probably don’t realize you’re making. These mistakes include wanting any job and not the one you’re interviewing for, putting yourself first, and even basic hygiene errors such as looking tired or not dressing for success.  Colaberry’s online data analytics courses will help you to perfect the first 5 minutes of your interview with our revolutionary learning platform, 

Acing your next business intelligence interview isn’t just about connecting with the interviewer and sailing through the first 5 minutes. It’s also about being prepared so that you can build a rapport and present yourself and your ideas in a way that shows you’re ready to assume the responsibilities of the role you’re interviewing for. 

Stay tuned for the next mini-blog in this series. We will be releasing a short blog twice a week to help you ace your next business intelligence interview! 

Our Program 

Colaberry has been providing one-of-a-kind, career-oriented training in data analytics and data science since 2012. We offer instructor-led onsite and online classes. Learn with us in person on our campus in Plano, Texas, or remotely from the comfort of your home. We have helped over 5,000 people to transform their lives with our immersive boot camp-style programs.

In-Demand Skills

Colaberry training programs equip you with in-demand tech and human skills.  Our up-to-date lessons and carefully crafted curriculum set you up for success from day one. Throughout the training and the job search, our mentors will support and guide you as you transition into a fast-paced and exciting field of data analytics and data science. 

Project-Based Learning

Our programs integrate projects that are based on real-world scenarios to help you master a new concept, tool, or skill. We work with you to build your portfolio to showcase your skills and achievements. 

Award Winning Learning Platform

You will be learning using our homegrown technology platform Refactored AI which is recognized as the “Most Promising Work of the Future Solution” in global competition by MIT SOLVE. Our platform also received General Motors’ “Advanced Technology” prize and McGovern Foundation’s “Artificial Intelligence for Betterment of Humanity” prize. 

Placement Assistance

Colaberry’s program, platform, and ecosystem empower you with skills that you need to succeed in your job interviews and transition into high-paying careers. Over 1/3rd of Colaberry graduates receive job offers after their first in-person interview. We provide you continuous mentoring and guidance until you land your job, and provide you post-placement support for twelve months so that you not only survive but thrive in your career. 

Financial Aid

At Colaberry, we strive to create opportunities for all. We work with each individual to ensure the cost of the training does not hold them back from becoming future-ready. We offer various payment plans, payment options, and scholarships to work with the financial circumstances of our learners. 

Military Scholarship

Colaberry is committed to supporting men and women who have served our country in uniform. As part of this commitment, we offer Military Scholarships to enable active-duty and retired military members to transition into civilian life. We have already helped numerous veterans by creating a pathway to rewarding and exciting careers in data science and data analytics. We hold alumni events and provide an extensive support system and a strong community of veterans to help our students succeed. Contact our enrollment team to find out more about how we can help you.