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Posted on January 16, 2023 by Kevin Guisarde .

colaberry data talent showcase

See The Future Leaders of Data Science in Action At Our Data Talent Showcase Event

Are you interested in learning more about the future leaders of data science? Join us for our Data Talent Showcase Event, where you will get to see the next generation of data scientists in action! We will be showcasing some of the most innovative and ambitious projects from students who have completed Colaberry’s training program. This is an event you won’t want to miss!

The Power of Data in Action

Are you looking to get a glimpse of the future of data science? Here, you’ll get to witness the power of data in action and get inspired by the limitless possibilities of data science.

At our event, you’ll get to see how businesses are leveraging the power of their data. You’ll also hear from experts in the data field and discover what smart business leaders look for in data projects. Plus, you’ll gain insight into data-driven innovation and how data science can help drive your business forward.

Whether you’re a data enthusiast or a business leader, this event is the perfect opportunity to get a glimpse of the future of data science and get inspired by what’s possible. Get ready to see the future leaders of data science in action!

data talent showcase judge

Guest Judge Minoo Agarwal

We’re proud to announce the addition of Minoo Agarwal as one of our esteemed guest judges at our Data Talent Showcase event! Minoo’s expertise and insights into the industry will be invaluable to the event.

A data and analytics evangelist with a successful history of transforming data assets into enterprise capabilities that drive outcomes.

 In her current role, Minoo is responsible for the short-term and long-term strategic roadmap for RTI’s analytics capabilities that promotes RTI’s strategic goal of digital transformation. 

RTI is an independent, non-profit institute that provides research, development, and technical services to government and commercial clients worldwide.

As a guest judge, Minoo will provide her unique perspective on the projects developed by our talented contestants. Hear her insights on what makes a project stand out and what she looks for in potential team members.

We’re thrilled to have Minoo join us for our Data Talent Showcase and can’t wait to hear what she thinks of the projects and the abilities of our contestants.

See Real Data Projects

At our Data Talent Showcase Event, you’ll have the opportunity to see real data projects in action. Attendees will gain insight into how data science is helping to shape business decisions and watch as the next generation of leaders in the field is empowered with data-driven insights.

You’ll also have the chance to learn from and network with some of the top data science experts in the field. Our event will feature great presentations, giving you a firsthand look at their expertise.

Come join us at the Data Talent Showcase Event to witness the future leaders of data science in action and see the people that are driving the industry forward.

data talent showcase

Support DEI Change in Data Science

At our Data Talent Showcase Event, you’ll have the opportunity to witness and support the future face of data science. Our goal is to create a more diverse and equitable data science landscape and to do this, we are showcasing top-tier talent from underrepresented communities.

We know that diversity, equity, and inclusion in data science is a key factors in any company’s success. That’s why our showcase will feature individuals who are a part of and passionate about making a positive change in the industry. 90% of Colaberry consultants are from under-represented populations and an astounding 50% are female.

The industry as a whole is in need of a drastic change. This event is a step in that direction.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to support DEI change in data science. Come be a part of the change.

Attend as an Audience Member or a Guest Judge

Gain insight into what businesses and organizations looking to the future are using and looking for.

Network with a diverse group of attendees from the data science field.

As an audience member, you can cast your vote for the winner and you’ll get to learn more about data science and how Colaberry is creating a movement to drive innovation and DEI change.

If you’re feeling adventurous and want to help others with your experience and knowledge, you can take part as a guest judge. If you are an experienced leader in data we would love to have you come to be a part of our event and mission. If you enjoy helping others, especially women and underrepresented populations then this is for you.

Don’t miss this chance to get a front-row seat to the future of data science! Our Data Talent Showcase Event is the perfect place to be inspired by the brightest minds in the field, and get a glimpse of the potential that lies ahead. We can’t wait to see you there!

To attend the event, become a guest judge, or if you are just simply looking to learn more, click on the link below.