Image of glass building with close-up of finance sign

Posted on February 7, 2023 by Kevin Guisarde .

SQL Server Joins in the Finance Industry

SQL Server Joins are a fundamental aspect of SQL Server, providing developers with the ability to combine data from multiple tables into a single result set. With Joins, developers can access data from multiple tables and perform complex queries that extract specific information. In this blog, we will explore the different types of SQL Server Joins, including Inner Joins, Left Joins, Right Joins, and Outer Joins, and provide coding examples from the Finance Industry to illustrate these concepts. By understanding the different types of Joins and their applications, developers can enhance their SQL skills and build more powerful applications that extract data more efficiently. Whether you’re new to SQL or a seasoned developer, this blog will help you master SQL Server Joins and unlock their full potential.


  1. Introduction to SQL Server Joins
  2. Different Concept Types of SQL Server Joins
  3. Real-world Example Questions in the Finance Industry
  4. Most Commonly Asked Interview Question in SQL Server Joins
  5. Conclusion

Introduction to SQL Server Joins in the Finance Industry

SQL Server Joins are an essential part of SQL Server, and they allow you to combine data from multiple tables into a single result set. In this blog, we will be discussing the different concept types of SQL Server Joins and provide coding examples from the Finance Industry to illustrate the concepts.

Different Concept Types of SQL Server Joins


The INNER JOIN is used to combine data from two tables based on a matching value in both tables. In the Finance Industry, you might use an INNER JOIN to combine data from a customer table and a transaction table to get a list of customers and their transactions.

Coding Example:

FROM customer
INNER JOIN transaction
ON customer.customer_id = transaction.customer_id;


The LEFT JOIN is used to combine data from two tables based on a matching value in the left table and returns all records from the left table and the matching records from the right table. In the Finance Industry, you might use a LEFT JOIN to combine data from a customer table and a transaction table to get a list of customers and their transactions, with customers who have not made any transactions appearing in the result set with NULL values for the transaction data.

Coding Example:

FROM customer
LEFT JOIN transaction
ON customer.customer_id = transaction.customer_id;


The RIGHT JOIN is used to combine data from two tables based on a matching value in the right table and returns all records from the right table and the matching records from the left table. In the Finance Industry, you might use a RIGHT JOIN to combine data from a customer table and a transaction table to get a list of transactions and the corresponding customer data, with transactions that have not been made by any customers appearing in the result set with NULL values for the customer data.

Coding Example:

FROM customer
RIGHT JOIN transaction
ON customer.customer_id = transaction.customer_id;


The FULL OUTER JOIN is used to combine data from two tables based on a matching value in both tables and returns all records from both tables, with NULL values for non-matching records. In the Finance Industry, you might use a FULL OUTER JOIN to combine data from a customer table and a transaction table to get a list of all customers and transactions, with NULL values for customers who have not made any transactions and transactions that have not been made by any customers.

Coding Example:

FROM customer
FULL OUTER JOIN transaction
ON customer.customer_id = transaction.customer_id;

Real-World Example Questions in the Finance Industry

Script to generate tables and records (Continued):

Copy code
CREATE TABLE customer (
  customer_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
  customer_name VARCHAR(50),
  customer_address VARCHAR(100)

INSERT INTO customer (customer_id, customer_name, customer_address)
VALUES (1, 'John Doe', '123 Main St'),
       (2, 'Jane Doe', '456 Main St'),
       (3, 'Bob Smith', '789 Main St');

CREATE TABLE transaction (
  transaction_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
  customer_id INT,
  transaction_date DATE,
  transaction_amount DECIMAL(10,2)

INSERT INTO transaction (transaction_id, customer_id, transaction_date, transaction_amount)
VALUES (1, 1, '2022-01-01', 100.00),
       (2, 2, '2022-01-02', 200.00),
       (3, 1, '2022-01-03', 300.00),
       (4, 3, '2022-01-04', 400.00);

1. Write a query to get a list of all customers and their total transactions amount.

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2. Write a query to get a list of all customers and their latest transaction date.

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3. Write a query to get a list of customers who have not made any transactions.

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Most Commonly Asked Interview Question in SQL Server Joins

Q: Explain the difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN.

A: The main difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN is the way they combine data from two tables. INNER JOIN combines data from two tables based on a matching value in both tables and returns only the matching records. On the other hand, LEFT JOIN combines data from two tables based on a matching value in the left table and returns all records from the left table and the matching records from the right table.

I used INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN in a previous project where I was working on a financial data analysis. I used INNER JOIN to combine data from a customer table and a transaction table to get a list of customers and their transactions. However, I also wanted to get a list of customers who have not made any transactions, so I used LEFT JOIN for this purpose, which returned all records from the customer table and the matching records from the transaction table, with NULL values for customers who have not made any transactions.


SQL Server Joins are an essential part of SQL Server and are used to combine data from multiple tables into a single result set. In this blog, we explored the different types of SQL Server Joins such as INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, and FULL OUTER JOIN, with examples from the finance industry. We also covered advanced practice questions, a commonly asked interview question, and a script to generate tables and records.

SQL Server Joins play a critical role in data analysis and understanding the different types and their usage is crucial for anyone working with data. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this blog should help you build a strong foundation in SQL Server Joins.

Interested in a career in Data Analytics? Book a call with our admissions team or visit to learn more.

woman at desk working on laptop on SQL

Posted on February 7, 2023 by Kevin Guisarde .

SQL Server Indexes

SQL Server Indexes are an essential component of a well-designed database, providing developers with a powerful tool to improve query performance. Indexes are data structures that help SQL Server locate the data requested in a query quickly, by creating a sorted copy of the data that can be searched more efficiently. In this blog, we will explore the different types of indexes available in SQL Server and their applications in the Technology Industry. With indexes, developers can dramatically reduce query response times, improve application performance, and enhance the overall user experience. Whether you’re working with large databases or small, understanding the different types of indexes and how to use them effectively is critical to building efficient and effective applications.


  1. Introduction to SQL Server Indexes
  2. Types of Indexes
  3. Real-World Example Questions in Technology Industry
  4. Most Commonly Asked Interview Question
  5. Conclusion

Introduction to SQL Server Indexes

SQL Server Indexes play a crucial role in improving the performance of database queries. They are essentially data structures that help SQL Server quickly locate the data that is requested in a query. In this blog, we will discuss the different types of indexes available in SQL Server and their applications in the Technology Industry.

Types of Indexes

Clustered Indexes

Clustered indexes determine the physical order of data in a table. A table can only have one clustered index, as the physical order of the data can only be determined in one way. Clustered indexes can improve query performance because they allow data to be retrieved in the order it is stored on disk.

Consider a table called Orders with columns OrderIDCustomerID, and OrderDate. If we frequently run queries that sort the data by OrderDate, it would make sense to create a clustered index on the OrderDate column.

ON Orders (OrderDate)

Non-Clustered Indexes

Non-clustered indexes are separate from the table data, and they contain a copy of the indexed columns and a pointer to the location of the actual data in the table. A table can have multiple non-clustered indexes.

Consider a table called Customers with columns CustomerIDCustomerName, and City. If we frequently run queries that filter by the City column, it would make sense to create a non-clustered index on the City column.

ON Customers (City)
WHERE IsActive = 1

Filtered Indexes

Filtered indexes are indexes that only include a subset of the rows in a table. Filtered indexes can improve query performance by reducing the size of the index, making it more efficient to use.

Consider a table called Customers with columns CustomerIDCustomerName, and IsActive. If we frequently run queries that filter by only the IsActive column and the value is 1, it would make sense to create a filtered index that only includes rows where IsActive is 1.

ON Customers (IsActive) 
WHERE IsActive = 1

Composite Indexes

Composite indexes are indexes that contain multiple columns. A composite index can improve query performance when the index covers the query, meaning that all the columns that the query uses are included in the index.

Consider a table called Orders with columns OrderIDCustomerID, and OrderDate. If we frequently run queries that filter by both CustomerID and OrderDate, it would make sense to create a composite index on both CustomerID and OrderDate.

ON Orders (CustomerID, OrderDate)

Real-World Example Questions in Technology Industry

1.  Consider a table called Orders with columns OrderIDCustomerIDOrderDate, and TotalAmount. Create an index that will improve the performance of queries that filter by OrderDate and return the TotalAmount.

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2. Consider a table called Employees with columns EmployeeIDFirstNameLastNameHireDate, and DepartmentID. Create an index that will improve the performance of queries that sort by HireDate and filter by DepartmentID.

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3. Consider a table called Invoices with columns InvoiceIDCustomerIDInvoiceDateTotalAmount, and IsPaid. Create an index that will improve the performance of queries that filter by IsPaid and return the TotalAmount.

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Most Commonly Asked Interview Question

Q: What is an Index in SQL Server and how does it improve performance?


An Index in SQL Server is a data structure that helps SQL Server quickly locate the data that is requested in a query. The data in an index is organized in such a way that allows SQL Server to search for data much faster than if it had to search through the entire table.

I have used indexes in several projects to improve the performance of database queries. For example, in a project for a software company, I was tasked with optimizing the queries for their bug-tracking system. I created several non-clustered indexes on the most frequently used columns in the “Bugs” table, such as “Status” and “Date_Modified”. This helped reduce the query execution time significantly, as the indexes made it much easier for SQL Server to locate the relevant data.

As a result of the improved performance, the software company was able to retrieve the information they needed to resolve bugs, which helped them release their software faster and with fewer bugs.


In conclusion, indexes play a crucial role in improving the performance of database queries in SQL Server. By creating indexes on frequently used columns, you can reduce the query execution time and retrieve data much faster.

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Image of cinema from outside view

Posted on February 7, 2023 by Kevin Guisarde .

SQL Server Stored Procedures are a valuable tool for managing and maintaining complex database logic. Stored Procedures are precompiled sets of T-SQL statements that can be executed by calling the stored procedure name. They provide a convenient way to encapsulate a series of T-SQL statements into a single executable unit, making it easier to manage and maintain complex database logic. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of using SQL Server Stored Procedures, including improved performance, security, and ease of maintenance. We will also explore the different types of Stored Procedures and provide examples of how they can be used in various industries. Whether you’re new to SQL Server or an experienced developer, understanding Stored Procedures can help you build more efficient and effective applications, and simplify the management of complex database logic.


  1. Introduction to SQL Server Stored Procedures
  2. Different Stored Procedure Types using Examples from the Media Industry
  3. Real-World Example Questions in the Media Industry
  4. A Most Commonly Asked Interview Question in SQL Server Stored Procedures
  5. Conclusion

Introduction to SQL Server Stored Procedures

SQL Server Stored Procedures are precompiled sets of T-SQL statements that can be executed by calling the stored procedure name. They provide a convenient way to encapsulate a series of T-SQL statements into a single executable unit that can be executed repeatedly, making it easier to manage and maintain complex database logic.

Different Stored Procedure Types using Examples From The Media Industry

Simple Stored Procedures

A simple stored procedure is a basic stored procedure that only contains a single SELECT statement. This type of stored procedure is commonly used to retrieve data from a database.

Consider a media database that contains information about movies and their respective ratings. A simple stored procedure can be created to retrieve the titles of movies with a rating of 8 or higher:

  SELECT Title 
  FROM Movies 
  WHERE Rating >= 8 

Parameterized Stored Procedures

A parameterized stored procedure is a stored procedure that accepts parameters. These parameters can be used to filter data or customize the behavior of the stored procedure.

Consider a media database that contains information about movies and their respective ratings. A parameterized stored procedure can be created to retrieve the titles of movies with a specified rating:

CREATE PROCEDURE GetMoviesByRating (@minRating INT) 
  SELECT Title 
  FROM Movies 
  WHERE Rating >= @minRating 

Stored Procedures with Output Parameters

A stored procedure with output parameters is a stored procedure that returns output in the form of parameters. These parameters can be used to return a value from the stored procedure to the calling code.

Example in Media Industry:
Consider a media database that contains information about movies and their respective ratings. A stored procedure with output parameters can be created to retrieve the total number of movies with a specified rating:

CREATE PROCEDURE GetMovieCountByRating (@minRating INT, @movieCount INT OUTPUT) 
  SELECT @movieCount = COUNT(*) 
  FROM Movies 
  WHERE Rating >= @minRating 

Real-World Example Questions in the Media Industry


  Title VARCHAR(100), 
  ReleaseYear INT, 
  Rating DECIMAL(3,1), 
  BoxOffice INT 

INSERT INTO Movies (Title, ReleaseYear, Rating, BoxOffice) 
  ('The Avengers', 2012, 8.0, 1518594910), 
  ('The Dark Knight', 2008, 9.0, 534858444), 
  ('Inception', 2010, 8.8, 825532764), 
  ('Avatar', 2009, 7.8, 278900000), 
  ('The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', 2003, 9.0, 378800000), 
  ('The Matrix', 1999, 8.7, 171300000), 
  ('The Shawshank Redemption', 1994, 9.2, 283400000); 

1.  Write a query to retrieve the titles and release year of all movies that were released in the years 2000 or later, sorted by release year in ascending order.

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2. Write a query to retrieve the title and box office earnings of all movies that have a box office earning of more than $1 billion, sorted by box office earnings in descending order.

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3. Write a query to retrieve the average rating and the standard deviation of the ratings of all movies.

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A Most Commonly Asked Interview Question in SQL Server Stored Procedures

Q: What is the difference between a stored procedure and a user-defined function in SQL Server?

A: A stored procedure and a user-defined function are two different types of database objects in SQL Server. The main difference between them is their usage and return type.

A stored procedure is used to perform a specific task, such as retrieving data from a database, inserting data into a database, or updating data in a database. Stored procedures can return multiple result sets and output parameters, but they cannot return a single value.

On the other hand, a user-defined function is used to return a single value or a table. User-defined functions can only return a single value or a table, and they cannot return multiple result sets or output parameters.

In my previous project, I used both stored procedures and user-defined functions to build a database-driven application. I used stored procedures to perform tasks such as retrieving data from a database and inserting data into a database, and I used user-defined functions to return calculated values that were used in various parts of the application.


In conclusion, SQL Server Stored Procedures are a powerful tool for managing complex database logic. They provide a convenient way to encapsulate a series of T-SQL statements into a single executable unit, making it easier to manage and maintain complex database logic. With the different concept types and real-world example questions in the Media Industry, it’s clear that SQL Server Stored Procedures play a crucial role in the field of data analytics.

Interested in a career in Data Analytics? Book a call with our admissions team or visit to learn more.

Image of doctors in active operation

Posted on February 7, 2023 by Kevin Guisarde .

A Comprehensive Guide to SQL Case Statement in Healthcare Industry

The SQL Case Statement is an essential feature of SQL that enables developers and data analysts to build conditional logic into their queries. By evaluating a set of conditions, the Case Statement returns a result that is based on the outcome of the evaluation. This functionality can be used to create complex, multi-level decision trees within a SQL query. With the Case Statement, data analysts can effectively analyze and extract specific data sets from vast data sources, making it an indispensable tool in the data analysis process. Overall, the SQL Case Statement is a powerful feature of SQL that provides developers and data analysts with greater flexibility and precision in their data analysis and decision-making capabilities.


  1. Introduction to SQL Case Statement
  2. Types of SQL Case Statement with examples from the Healthcare Industry
  3. Real-World Example Questions in the Healthcare Industry
  4. Most Commonly Asked Interview Question and Answer
  5. Conclusion

Introduction to SQL Case Statement

SQL Case Statement is a conditional statement in SQL that returns a result based on the evaluation of a set of conditions. The Case Statement is used to implement conditional logic in SQL queries, making it a powerful tool for data analysis and decision-making.

Types of SQL Case Statement with Examples From The Healthcare Industry

Simple Case Statement

A Simple Case Statement is used to evaluate a single expression and return a corresponding result. For example, in the Healthcare Industry, you can use a Simple Case Statement to categorize patients based on their age.

    WHEN Age < 18 THEN 'Child' 
    WHEN Age BETWEEN 18 AND 64 THEN 'Adult' 
    ELSE 'Senior' 
  END AS PatientCategory 
FROM Patients; 

Searched Case Statement

A Searched Case Statement evaluates multiple conditions and returns a result based on the first matching condition. For example, in the Healthcare Industry, you can use a Searched Case Statement to calculate the co-pay amount for a patient based on their insurance plan.

    WHEN InsurancePlan = 'Plan A' THEN 50 
    WHEN InsurancePlan = 'Plan B' THEN 40 
    ELSE 30 
  END AS CoPayAmount 
  FROM Patients; 

Nested Case Statement

A Nested Case Statement is used to evaluate multiple conditions within another Case Statement. For example, in the Healthcare Industry, you can use a Nested Case Statement to categorize patients based on their age and insurance plan.

    WHEN Age < 18 THEN 'Child' 
        WHEN InsurancePlan = 'Plan A' THEN 'Adult with Plan A' 
        WHEN InsurancePlan = 'Plan B' THEN 'Adult with Plan B' 
      ELSE 'Senior' 
  END AS PatientCategory 
FROM Patients; 

Real-World Example Questions in the Healthcare Industry

Script to generate tables and records needed for the real-world example questions:

  PatientName VARCHAR(100), 
  Age INT, 
  InsurancePlan VARCHAR(100) 
INSERT INTO Patients (PatientID, PatientName, Age, InsurancePlan) 
VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 35, 'Plan A'), (2, 'Jane Doe', 40, 'Plan B'), (3, 'John Smith', 50, 'Plan C'), (4, 'Jane Smith', 65, 'Plan A'), (5, 'Jim Brown', 25, 'Plan B'); 

1. What is the average age of patients with Plan A and Plan B insurance?

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2. What is the total number of patients for each insurance plan?

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3. List the patients and their age categories (Child, Adult with Plan A, Adult with Plan B, Senior) based on their age and insurance plan.

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Most Commonly Asked Interview Question and Answer

Q: How do you use the SQL Case Statement in a real-world scenario?

A: I have used the SQL Case Statement in several real-world projects, including in the Healthcare Industry. One specific example is when I was working on a project to categorize patients based on their age and insurance plan. To accomplish this, I used a Nested Case Statement that evaluated the patient’s age and insurance plan and returned the appropriate patient category. The final result was a table that displayed the patient’s information, including their age category, which was used for further analysis and decision-making. The use of the Case Statement made the process of categorizing patients much simpler and more efficient.


The SQL Case Statement is a versatile and powerful tool for data analysis and decision-making in SQL. With the different types of Case Statements, including Simple, Searched, and Nested, you can implement complex conditional logic and return results based on multiple evaluations. By using examples from the Healthcare Industry, you can see the practical applications of the Case Statement and how it can be used to improve your data analysis and decision-making processes.

Interested in a career in Data Analytics? Book a call with our admissions team or visit to learn more.